Corporate Social Responsibility

Our corporate and social responsibility toward our employees, our customers and our society is our highest top priority and guides all of our actions. That is why health and safety, sustainability and social commitment are key components of our corporate strategy and the success of our company.

We build lasting and effective relationships with our customers and partners that are based on trust and respect.

Our actions are characterized by entrepreneurial spirit, a flair for innovation and new technologies and the exploitation of opportunities that drive our success.
We meet the changing demands of the market flexibly, courageously and thoughtfully.


Our corporate culture is characterised by responsibility, dedication and flexibility. We offer our employees the freedom and the support they need to keep developing, to refine their talents and continue expanding their know-how.

In addition, we are assessed annually via the Ecovadis sustainability platform. Here you can see our rating.


Our most important corporate goal is to ensure that all employees, subcontractors and customers stay healthy and can return to their families unharmed after their working day.

That is our motto:

We love life and we protect it.

That is why our motto is:

Regular training and raising the awareness of all employees

Both colleagues on the construction sites and in the office are informed and trained at regular intervals about important safety measures and health issues.
Safety walks and team briefings are held regularly on the construction sites.

Once a year, on our Kraftanlagen Safety Day, we educate our employees at our different branches and construction sites about special health and safety topics. In addition, you can participate in different events on that day, such as getting a flu shot, nutrition advice or classes on how to protect your back.

Provision of top-quality PPE and safe work equipment

We ensure that our employees have the proper work clothing and safe work equipment in order to perform their work safely and without accidents. Our golden rules form the basis for safe work and apply to all employees, temporary workers, contractors, subcontractors and partners.

Rigorous accident analysis

If there is an event, we want to learn from our mistakes. Our experts from the occupational safety department analyse and process any accident on site with the affected persons.

Behaviour-based safety

We believe our workplace safety awareness will be increased even further by introducing the concept of behaviour-based safety. This targeted measure will improve the safety awareness and safety-oriented behaviour of all employees. Because we know: The first step to workplace safety is that everybody involved is aware of its importance.



less greenhouse gas emissions


Our goal is to actively shape the energy transition and climate protection efforts with flexible, innovative and energy-efficient solutions. We always keep the entire life cycle of plants in mind and champion the responsible and environmentally sound use of all natural resources.

We are committed to the decarbonisation of our society. Since January 2021, we have been pursuing an ambitious climate strategy together with our parent company Bouygues Construction to reduce our carbon footprint across the entire value chain. The aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 30 per cent by 2030.

We also see an opportunity to engage in ecologically sustainable business practices through the promotion of digitalisation and fostering innovation.


We take great pride in our involvement (and that of our employees) in regional social and cultural projects as well as athletic events, such as the NCT Run Against Cancer in Heidelberg.

A city becomes colorful and a canvas for creativity and unity

As the main partner, we support the Artown Festival. 120 artists from 5 continents came together to redesign the Romanian city of Ploiești. 🖌🎊


The Kraftanlagen Group uses standardised and established processes − our actions are guided by a consistent quality management and transparency. Our qualifications are checked and confirmed on a regular basis.

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